Some time ago (at the height of my blog-stalking phase) I came across a blog authored by someone I have met a time or two but whom I did not know well. This person expressed apprehension about starting a blog because an ‘elitest’ friend of hers had made it known that she felt “family” blogs were an abomination, and that she was horrified at the thought of “countless people wasting countless hours” reading these less than scholarly blogs. The author of this blog then resolved to celebrate her “mediocrity” despite her friend’s disapproval. It has been several months since I read this entry but I have not been able to remove these sentiments from my thoughts. I just keep thinking, “since when have LDS women been tricked into thinking that motherhood is mediocre?” We all know we live in a society where only fame, fortune, and “ivy-league” education are fast becoming all that is considered socially acceptable, but I thought that we as sisters stood apart from the world because we know how vitally important our jobs really are. Every time I hear someone say “I’m just a mom” (and I confess, I hear it from my own mouth at times) my stomach turns! A couple of weeks ago Glenn Beck had a caller on the radio who referred to herself as “just a mom.” I enjoyed what he had to say to her:
“GLENN: I hate, hate, hate when women say, "I'm just a mother." I hate it. And here's why. I believe that we are facing the most perilous times quite possibly in human history and I really, truly believe that -- what's the name of that show on Fox, that new show, the Terminator, what's her name?
DAN: Sarah Connor Chronicles?
GLENN: Sarah Connor. I really, truly believe that mothers of this country need to start viewing themselves as Sarah Connor and start preparing your children and teaching your children right and wrong, black and white, good and evil, how to be strong, how to survive in all ways because we've so screwed this country up that our children are going to be left with just a mess on their hands and we need -- I don't even know what Sarah Connor's son was called, Billy Connor, and we need more Billy Connors, and Sarah Connors are the ones that are going to do it and those are the mothers of today."
Yay! He gets it! Now let’s get on board with him! There is NOTHING mediocre about being a mother to a child. As a woman, I know that my job as a mother is more important than any CEO or self-made millionaire or otherwise successful high-ranking job outside of the home. So I am going to celebrate at being the best, having the best and most important job ever known to mankind… I am a mother!
Damn Straight!
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