Monday, June 23, 2008

fun lil' game

This game is really easy, just google-images your answer and post the first picture that comes up!
First Pet's Name: Buttermilk

Current Pet's Name: Katherine Dander (actually pulled up our cat! p.s. I don't recommend google-image searching "kat")

Nick-Name: Mayme

Spouse's Name: Zach

Favorite Animal: Cat

Lucky Number: 333
Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite TV Show: The Office, and American Idol, Lost

Where would you like to live? Logan

Where would you like to travel? New Zealand, New York
Worst Habit? Popping Zits

Birth Month

What do you collect? Pounds of fat, worthless vacuums

Favorite hobby: watching TV, blogging, shopping


Holly & Chris said...

I keep meaning to do this- very clever. Had to laugh pretty hard abou the worthless vacuums! Sell it on Craigslist or something.

Tahnie said...

I swear I'll be a better friend and eat my vegtables if you start blogging again! Please?!!